Substance Abuse To reduce substance abuse, as measured by the 1998 actal arrests per thousand for Alcohol-Related Arrests, as reported by Oregon LEDS, to 16.5 per thousand in 2005, 14.5 per thousand in 2010, and 12.5 per thousand in 2015. The current rate is from 1998 and is 28.27 per thousand |
Delinquency To reduce delinquency, as measured by the 1998 overall juvenile arrest rate reported by Oregon LEDS, to 99.8 per thousand by 2005, 84.8 per thousand by 2010, and to 69.4 per thousand by 2015. The current 1998 rate is 107.9 per thousand |
Violence (Person Crimes) To reduce the rate of violence, as measured by the 1998 juvenile crimes against person rate reported by Oregon LEDS, to 11.7 per thousand in 2005, 9.7 per thousand in 2010, and 7.7 per thousand in 2015. The current rate is 14.9 per thousand |
Teen Pregnancy To reduce the rate of teen pregnancy, as measured by the 1998 rate in the 1999 Oregon Benchmarks Book, to 12 per thousand in 5 years, 10 per thousand in 10 years, and 8 per thousand in 15 years. The current 1998 rate is 13 per thousand. |
School Dropout To reduce school dropout rate, using the 1997-1998 three-year average measurement as provided by the 1999 Oregon Benchmarks Book, by 1% every 5 years. The current rate is 6.10% for the 1997-1998 school year. |